Sunday, 1 May 2016

One More Way To Create a Healthier Plan!

A big step this Spring in setting you up for success to a healthier you is to remove what I call the "nutrient robbing foods" or other foods or drinks from you daily nutrition plan, that don't align with your health goals.  Doing this is quite simple when you start from the source of most of these foods:  your own cupboards.

Purging the Pantry is not only a good idea twice a year to check on expiry dates of products, but is the first step in solidifying that decision to eat healthier when tempting snacks, overly processed foods and drinks are not in easy reach.  This rule applies to the fridge and freezer as well.  Set aside 30 minutes on a Sunday afternoon (Monday morning fresh starts seem to work well for most people.  Grab a box or basket and open up every food cupboard in your kitchen.  Empty each shelf and as you place it back, you'll first check the expiry date and second, is it a food that fits with your goal?  A box of pasta doesn't go back if you are trying to cut back on your intake of starchy carbohydrates.  That box of chips or bag of skittles don't go back either if you're keen to stop the snacky junk food.
Now the fridge and freezer!  Bottled sauces and salad dressings are a toss if you want to make more things from scratch or use simpler things like fresh or dried herbs for cooking and oil and lemon juice based dressings.

Trust me, if you talk yourself into keeping something that you know you want to avoid, you are setting yourself up for a weak, sabotaging moment.  If you have to go out to buy it, you'll have time to think about that action.  It also doesn't mean you will never have that item again, it's just right now, you need positive reinforcement (some positive words on the fridge are great!) and zero temptations when committing to a new habit.

A good question when it seems a waste to throw food out, however if it's well past the expiry date, it should most likely go in the trash.  If not, unopened things can go to the local food bank and other things can be passed to family or friends.  However, encouraging your family and friends to do the same thing will do a long way to help you with your goal, so maybe making the garbage toss is the best thing!  Vow to put your future food spending to better use!

O.K. The cupboards, fridge and freezer are cleared, and maybe a little empty, so now head to the local market or grocery store, with a list in hand, of what fresh foods and minimally processed canned  or packaged (and there are some good ones), you ARE going to purchase that do fit with your goals.

To help give you a start with that, watch my webinar on how to incorporate more green foods into your diet and why they are a must have every day.

It's Easy Being Green!